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Litigation Groups

Industrial Agriculture

The Industrial Agriculture Litigation Group member benefits include a Group Document Library, list server, and education programs.

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Industrial Agriculture

The Industrial Agriculture Litigation Group focuses primarily on nuisance cases, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act claims and cases for emerging personal injury cases for bacteriological conditions such as MRSA amongst production workers against owners and operators of the agricultural meat industry. These abatable nuisance conditions are actionable, but few lawyers have recognized the potential of such litigation, the possible problematic strategies of this litigation, the financial incentives to the industry to clean up the environment, or the compensatory and punitive awards which may be awarded for these cases. 

This Litigation Group provides members with educational information, litigation updates, and assistance in evaluating potential cases and preparing cases for litigation. The group has a document library and a list server through which Litigation Group members can share resources.


$300/attorney, $100/additional attorney ($400 max)

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Litigation Group members, visit AAJ's Community Center to connect with your colleagues on the list server, search discussion archives, download documents, update your list server settings, and more. Lit Group Member Login