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Press Release

AAJ Applauds Ruling in Ford Motor Company v. Bandemer and Ford Motor Company v. Montana Eighth Judicial District Court

March 25,2021

Washington, DCThe following is a statement from AAJ CEO Linda Lipsen on the SCOTUS decision handed down today on two combined cases, Ford Motor Company v. Bandemer and Ford Motor Company v. Montana Eighth Judicial District Court. In these cases, Ford had contended that the local courts in Montana and Minnesota do not have personal jurisdiction, meaning that the cases should have been moved outside the states where the injury occurred and where the plaintiffs lived:

"This unanimous ruling is a tremendous win for consumers seeking justice when they are harmed. This decision helps ensure that people injured or killed by corporate misconduct will not be blocked from seeking justice through the courts.”

AAJ filed an amicus brief in this case, which can be found here. As stated in Justice Kagan’s opinion: "When a company like Ford serves a market for a product in a State and that product causes injury in the State to one of its residents, the State’s courts may entertain the resulting suit.”

Carly Moore Sfregola
Phone: 202.684.9609