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AAJ Statement on the Open Courts Act of 2020

December 08,2020

Washington, DC—The following is a statement from American Association for Justice Communications Director Peter Knudsen regarding the Open Courts Act 2020:


“Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would increase public access to the federal courts. H.R. 8235, the Open Courts Act of 2020, modernizes access to court documents in one easily navigable platform and makes documents freely available to the public. Previously, court documents were only available through a difficult to navigate PACER platform that required the payment of fees to access information already in the public domain.

AAJ has long supported proposals to increase judicial transparency and public access to the courts. While not perfect, this legislation is a step in the right direction increasing transparency and access to court decisions, and AAJ looks forward to continuing work on this legislation.”


The American Association for Justice works to preserve the constitutional right to trial by jury and to make sure people have a fair chance to receive justice through the legal system when they are injured by the negligence or misconduct of others—even when it means taking on the most powerful corporations. Visit http://www.justice.org

Carly Moore Sfregola
Phone: 202-684-9609