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Press Release

AAJ Supports Bipartisan Bill to Empower Sexual Assault and Harassment Survivors to Seek Justice

July 14,2021

Washington, DCThe following is a statement from American Association for Justice CEO Linda Lipsen on the “Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment Act”:


“Forced arbitration silences survivors of sexual harassment and sexual assault while shielding abusers and the institutions that protect them. This bipartisan legislation would allow survivors to seek justice and accountability under the laws that are supposed to protect them, versus being forced into secret arbitrations that prevent the truth from ever coming to light. We thank Senators Lindsey Graham, Kirsten Gillibrand and Dick Durbin and Representatives Morgan Griffith, Cheri Bustos, and Pramila Jayapal for their leadership on this issue, and we urge the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to consider and pass this bill as soon as possible.”

Carly Moore Sfregola
Phone: 202.684.9609