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AAJ Statement on House Re-Introduction of Critical Legislation to End Qualified Immunity for Law Enforcement

February 26,2021

Washington, DC The following is a statement from American Association for Justice (AAJ) CEO Linda Lipsen following the re-introduction of H.R. 1280, the “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act” in the U.S. House of Representatives, legislation containing provisions to end qualified immunity giving legal immunity to law enforcement officials:


“This legislation represents an important step toward increased accountability in law enforcement. By eliminating the unjust doctrine of ‘qualified immunity,’ those who have suffered from police misconduct or abuse can finally hold law-breaking police officers accountable. The bill also contains important transparency provisions that would create a national police misconduct registry, require the use of body and dash cameras, and call for the preservation of video footage.


“As America continues to grapple with horrific instances of police brutality, ending the decades-old policy of qualified immunity would represent a concrete step toward real reform. We now call on Congress to pass this critical legislation, and then coalesce around a plan to end qualified immunity in other sectors such as border patrol agents and prison guards so that justice and accountability can be sought by anyone harmed by a public official.”

Carly Moore Sfregola
Phone: 202-684-9609