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Medically unnecessary spinal surgeries

November/December 2023

When Natasha Dressman was 18, she was referred to spinal surgeon Abubakar Durrani. Durrani diagnosed Dressman as having scoliosis and later performed an anterior spinal fusion from T11 to L2, using Infuse BMP-2 Bone Graft. Despite this treatment, Dressman continued to experience pain. Durrani recommended a second surgery, including fusion and diskectomy. Dressman continues to suffer from severe pain and has significant scarring.

She sued Durrani and the Center for Advanced Spine Technologies, Inc., alleging Durrani had improperly performed surgeries that were medically unnecessary. The plaintiff also asserted that she has an increased cancer risk from the Infuse BMP-2 and that the defendant’s use of this product was off-label and without her consent.

The jury awarded $4.45 million, including $2 million in punitive damages.

Citation: Dressman v. Durrani, No. A1700296 (Ohio Ct. Com. Pl. Hamilton Cnty. Apr. 17, 2023).

Plaintiff counsel: James F. Maus, Mason, Ohio.