Litigation Packet
Tasers: Unsafe and Lethal
• Injuries and deaths caused by Taser electronic control devices (ECDs) have resulted in suits against both Taser International, Inc. and the cities and municipalities where law enforcement officers use these devices
• Complaints from five cases alleging injuries and wrongful death from Taser products and the use of excessive force and civil rights violations
• Sample discovery documents, motions and memoranda, depositions, and trial transcripts from the first successful verdict against Taser International and from the first products liability suit settled by Taser International
• Deposition transcripts and summaries from key Taser International employees, including the CEO and Founder of Taser International; Vice President of Research and Development; Vice President of Training; Director of Technical Programs; and a Regional Manager, as well as expert witnesses in emergency medicine, electrophysiology, electrical engineering, and pathology
• Other resources include similar matters, a bibliography, studies, AAJ Education speaker papers, and Trial articles
[Deposition Summaries Accompany Each Deposition Transcript]