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Amicus Briefs

Aurora Pub. Schs. v. Saupe

Colo., No. 22 SC 824 (filed Feb. 21, 2023)

Feb. 21, 2023

Brief of the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association and American Association for Justice as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents


Issues: (1) Whether applying a newly created cause of action to conduct that occurred prior to the creation of the cause of action violates the Colorado constitutional prohibition against laws that are retrospective in operation; and (2) Whether applying a newly enacted waiver of immunity from suit to conduct that occurred prior to the enactment of the waiver, and at a time when the immunity was in effect, violates the Colorado constitutional prohibition against laws that are retrospective in operation.

Full Citation: Brief for Colorado Trial Lawyers Association American and Association for Justice as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents, Aurora Pub. Schs. v. Saupe, No. 22 SC 824 (Colo. Feb. 21, 2023)


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