Litigation Groups

Herbicides and Pesticides

Members network and share ideas, theories, and strategies. Extensive discovery on individual defendants and toxicological data bases may be shared.

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Herbicides and Pesticides

Exposure to pesticides and herbicides, including Roundup, has led to adverse health effects in alarming numbers. Individuals are exposed to pesticides both at home and in the work place. They are usually unaware of the health effects, believing EPA registration has made these compounds safe. Exposure can be by inhalation, ingestion, dermatological, or a combination thereof. 

This Litigation Group provides members with educational information, litigation updates, and assistance in evaluating potential cases and preparing cases for litigation. The group has a document library and a list server through which Litigation Group members can share resources.

  • Meetings: The group meets at AAJ Annual and Winter conventions.
  • Membership: The group is limited to AAJ Regular, Life, Sustaining, and President’s Club member only.
  • Annual Dues: The Litigation Group is complementary to members of the AAJ Environmental and Toxic Torts Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Environmental and Toxic Torts Section here.


Robin Greenwald | Weitz & Luxenberg, PC, New York, NY

Kristie Hightower | Lundy LLP, Lake Charles, LA

Gerson Smoger | Smoger & Associates, PC, Dallas, TX


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