Vol. 53 No. 8

Trial Magazine

Verdicts and Settlements: Professional Negligence

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Misfilled Prescription

August 2017

J.P., 14, suffered from dizziness and intermittent headaches. Her physician prescribed Amitriptyline, which she had filled at a Walgreens pharmacy. After taking the medication for one month, she suffered worsened dizziness and chronic daily migraines. It was then discovered that the pharmacy had filled her prescription with 100-mg tablets instead of the 10-mg dosage J.P.’s doctor had prescribed. Her symptoms, especially her chronic migraines, have not subsided.

J.P. sued Walgreens, alleging liability for the misfilled prescription. The defendant admitted liability but disputed causation, arguing that the prescription error was not to blame for J.P.’s migraines.

The jury awarded $450,000.

Citation: J.P. v. Walgreen Co., No. 2014-L-000730 (Ill. Cir. Ct. Cook Cnty. Sept. 29, 2016).

Plaintiff counsel: Colin H. Dunn and AAJ member Kristofer S. Riddle, both of Chicago.