Trial Magazine

Verdicts and Settlements: Intentional Torts

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Camper aims water gun at counselor, injures his eye

May 2017

Thomas Lynch IV, 26, worked as a counselor at a YMCA camp. During a rafting trip, campers were given high-powered water pistols and told not to aim at others’ faces. Nevertheless, camper Colin Song aimed his pistol at Lynch’s nose and cheek and pumped the water, hitting his right eye. Lynch suffered a retinal detachment and required several surgeries, which were unsuccessful in restoring his vision.

Lynch sued Song, alleging assault and battery.

The jury awarded about $720,700. The homeowner’s insurer for the defendant later settled for $715,000.

Citation: Lynch v. Song, No. WRN-L-420-13 (N.J. Super. Ct. Warren Cnty. May 26, 2016).

Plaintiff counsel: AAJ member Jack Wurgaft, Springfield, N.J.