Rule 30(b)(6) Has Been Amended! Learn About the New Rule and How to Use It
How do I access the webinars?
All webinars are streamed through GoToWebinar software. Confirmation of your registration and access links will be sent via email within one day of registration. Course materials and CLE information for this webinar will be sent to you via email one day after the program.
Will these webinars offer CLE credit?
Each webinar will be accredited for about 2 general hours of CLE credit. Members barred in Florida, Illinois, New York, Virginia, and Washington State must self-apply for credit (more information here). Number of credits may vary depending on calculation method used by individual state accreditation agencies. AAJ is a State Bar of California MCLE-approved provider.
If I register for the series, do I have to attend all webinars?
Recordings of each weekly session are included in the registration purchase. Recordings will be available within 5 business days after the live event.
Will the webinars be recorded?
Yes, all AAJ Education webinars are recorded and will be available for purchase after the program date.
Reasonable Accommodations
Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act to access AAJ’s conferences or training courses should contact us by one of the following means:
- Write to us at AAJ Education, 777 6th St NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001;
- Call us at (800) 622-1791; or
- Send us an email at
Requesters should provide information about the nature of the requested accommodation and include contact information (such as an email address, residential address, or telephone number) at which they can be reached. Depending on the nature of the request, we may need sufficient advance notice to provide a reasonable accommodation.
Browse answers to FAQs on General Education Information, CLE Credit Reporting, and On-Demand Programs or contact the Education Team at or 800-424-2725 option 2. Education FAQs